Friday, 26 September 2014

Handling Stress


What do you do when you're feeling blue? What do you do when you feel frustrated? Yes you can eat an ice-cream, you can eat a piece of chocolate cake, but then, why harm your body? Why don't you do something healthy instead? I'm not saying that I don't do something stupid like eating too much I ended up regretting it, but I've discovered many better ways to deal with a heartbreak:

1. It's okay to cry. Just cry your eyeballs out. It'll make you feel better afterward.

2. I sweat myself. I always go running or doing yoga. I think this is by far the best way bc not only it's healthy, you also can get an extra package of hot body :P when running, you should only focus on breathing or you could try crying while running. Good luck.

3. Don't be alone. It doesn't help at all. Maybe you could be alone for a while to cry or to put yourself back together, but after that, find a good friend. Even if you don't want to tell anything to her, just talk about something and laugh a lot. I have a lot of good friends here and they never disappoint me in making me laugh. Just don't be alone bc it is not good for your despair.

4. Play with your pet or any animals. Did you ever feel that they kinda get you when you're upset?

5. Do something that you've never tried before or try joining any club. Make yourself busy or if you're already busy then that's good. Because when you're busy, you'll get tired. When you're tired, you don't have to think about something before going to bed.

6. Block that particular person from any possible social networking that you have, Twitter, instagram, Facebook, and so on. Avoid meeting that person, avoid going to the places you know he'll be there. Not that you're being rude or anything, it just means that you're building a better you and you require a lot of time and space and also strength. How can you move on when you're still holding on to that person?

7. Be positive. Tbh, I am a very negative person but I'm really trying hard to change. The thought of creating this blog came right after I faced something unbearable in my life. Whenever I thought about doing something negative like stalking (yes stalking is actually really bad), cursing, or talking bad, I immediately started a draft about something that I think useful for anyone and something that I thought worth sharing. Yes it is hard but try harder. Just be positive. If someone was meant for you, he'll always be for you. It has been decided.

8. Try to forgive. Yes, easier said than done. But then you can only feel the beauty of it once you understand how a simple act of forgiving can give a really significant effect in your life. Yes it does. And sometimes you just realize you love a person so much you can never get mad at him forever, and you're able to let him go simply bc he's happy for what he has in his life now.

9. Never underestimate somebody just to put yourself above them. If you do this, you're actually downgrading yourself. I admit I did this sometimes, but then I realized that God can take whatever good I have now just in the blink of an eye. Just be grateful for what you have now & don't ever compare yourself with others.

10. Last but not least, pray to God in whatever circumstances you're in.

I'm hoping to learn more positive things from others as well. Till then. Good night! :D

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